表紙・裏表紙に使用感(傷、折れ、汚れ、ハゲ、ダメージなど)あり。中身は経年によるヤケ、傷、折れ、汚れ、多少の破れなどありますが、書き込みなどなく読むのに支障ありません。【注意】他サイトにも出品中ですので購入前にコメント欄から在庫状況の確認をお願いいたします。This book is, of course about complexity. The title of the book, as you may recognize was motivated (excuse me for using this very mild expression) by Daniel Dennett’s Consciousness Explained [130]. Dennett’s intention was to explain consciousness as the emergent product of the interaction among c- stituents having physical and neural character. The goal of this book is to explain how various types of complexity emerge due to the interaction among constituents. There are many questions to be answered, how to understand, control, decompose, manage, predict the many-faced complexity.