数枚に盤面に薄いスクラッチの有りますが再生に問題は有りません。\r\r #格闘技・武道DVDの出品一覧はこちら\r\rVolume 1\rIntro\rOrigin of the Williams guard\rCommon problems\rAngling and positioning\r他\r\rVolume 2\rShin control pummeling\rShin control with bridge\rSalsa breakdown\rReverse kimura\r他\r\rVolume 3\rLocking up the Williams guard\rRelationship between over hook, Williams and clamp\rFar arm lock from Williams\rEntering trap triangle fighting a far tight elbow\r他\r\rVolume 4\rOpposite side triangle\rKimura with opposite side triangle\rTriangle from trap triangle\rCountering the posture counter\r他\r\rVolume 5\rTee pee choke\rArm in guillotine\rThe new omoplata essentials\r他\r\rVolume 6\rReverse knee on stomach counter\rCounter to creating distance\rKimura from the roll out\rKimura sumi-gaeshi to half T mount\rKimura scissor\r他\r\rVolume 7\rSide mount arm trap entry and attacks\rCarry over defense\rCountering the carry over defense\rSwivel vs posture\r他\r\rVolume 8\rMoving on from Williams\rOver hook and closed guard similarities\rFrom Williams to John Wayne\r他\r\rno gi\rノーギ\rグラップリング