Taylor Swift1989 (Taylor's Version) Tangerine EditionこのTangerine Editionでしか聴けないボーナストラック、「Sweeter Than Fiction (Taylor's Version)」入り22曲収録の輸入盤レコード2枚組です。新品未開封です。送料込み、お値下げ不可です。【収録内容】1. Welcome To New York 2. Blank Space3. Style4. Out Of The Woods5. All You Had To Do Was Stay6. Shake It Off7. I Wish You Would8. Bad Blood9. Wildest Dreams10. How You Get The Girl11. This Love12. I Know Places13. Clean14. Wonderland15. You Are In Love16. New Romantics17. \"Slut!\"(From The Vault)18. Say Don't Go (From The Vault)19. Now That We Don't Talk (From The Vault)20. Suburban Legends(From The Vault)21. Is It Over Now? (From The Vault)22. Sweeter Than Fictionテイラースウィフトテイラー・スウィフトTaylor SwiftThe Eras Tour洋楽レコードアナログ盤LPVinyl