洋書 Serafima Radivilova『ロシア語学習者のためのロシア語翻訳リファレンス(Translating from English into Russian: Reference Grammar for Students of Russian)』(University Press Of America)458ページ/1998年出版\r\r内容:「This book provides a detailed, systematic guide for the translation of English into Russian on any level. It provides straightforward, comprehensive instruction on the approach and method of translating English into Russian using English grammar patterns. This develops the process of learning the language as learners usually program their language first in English and then in Russian. Therefore, it is not only a tool for translation, but a companion and reference while learning the language. The index and many cross-references provide easy access to the information in the text for those attempting to work with or gain knowledge of the Russian language.」\r\r著者略歴:「Lecturer in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Stanford University.」\r\rサイズ:22.7 X 14.8 X 2.4 cm\r\r※他にも本を出品しています。1品追加で150円値引きします。